
GOLDEN Z Plan Includes Focus On 02, Victoria’s And TJ Hughes Sites

31 August, 2023 | News

THE way ahead for the Golden Z in Glasgow city centre — Argyle, Buchanan and Sauchiehall Streets — has been agreed by Glasgow councillors.

The council say the new vision and delivery plan will ensure the area — traditionally Glasgow’s retail core and a key part of the city’s economy — is more resilient, diverse and green.

It identifies areas for intervention and investment, by the public and private sectors, that will support recovery and long-term resilience.

There are three ‘areas of focus’ for redevelopment — the former ABC / Jumpin Jacks site adjoining the Glasgow School of Art; the area on Sauchiehall Street around the former BHS, Watt Bros, and former Victoria’s nightclub gap site; and the around around the vacant TJ Hughes site between Trongate and Osborne Street. These have been been identified as key to the success of both the local areas and the wider Golden Z.

The Victoria’s/BHS site on Sauchiehall Street
The 02 site in front of Glasgow School of Art
Behind the empty TJ Hughes store on Osborne Street

The Golden Z Vision document is structured around six themes:

· Balanced –- the document considers how and where to diversify the range of uses across the Z. The importance of good quality retail premises and their concentration on the prime spine of Buchanan Street is highlighted, complemented by a greater mix of restaurant, café, bar and leisure uses to activate key routes and adjoining streets. The need for more homes, workspaces and cultural attractions to enliven the Z through different times of the day and evening is outlined.

· Legible -– it explores how the Golden Z, as the recognised spine of the city centre, can contribute to more sustainable travel, be made more accessible, permeable and benefit from better connected movement networks and urban spaces.

· Living -– it explores opportunities to create new homes of various tenures and formats, (including affordable, family, student and later living homes) within new and repurposed buildings and upper floors. The need to provide centrally located community facilities and services to enable their development is highlighted.

· Working –- it highlights the opportunities around the Z to create new agile workspace, building on recent successes such as McLellan Works on Sauchiehall Street. Nurturing links with educational institutions is also explored.

· Vibrant –- it reinforces the strong cultural offer in and around the Golden Z and explores how such attractions and institutions can be better integrated to enhance participation and boost the leisure economy, particularly the Sauchiehall Street cluster. The importance of ensuring a vibrant and safe city centre providing culture, music, bars and restaurants which enhance the city’s economy and destination appeal is highlighted, as is the contribution of so-called meanwhile uses.

· Responsible -– it outlines how the Golden Z can progress the city’s response to the climate emergency; in progressing carbon neutrality, increasing density, property repurposing, greening the grey and in ensuring the city core is accessible, safe and welcoming for all.

The vision and delivery plan reimagines the Golden Z, responding to the post-pandemic challenges and opportunities currently facing the city centre. The council and their consultants engaged with the area’s landowners, businesses, institutions, agencies, residents and visitors to discuss how best the Golden Z should be improved.

As part of the engagement, consideration was given to the main issues currently affecting the Golden Z, such as the impact of changing retail and leisure trends; a growing city centre population; lingering post-pandemic behaviour changes in how we shop, work and live; and the pressing need to repurpose vacant sites and buildings in the area; changing investor and occupier demands; as well as the potential contribution of significant future redevelopment proposals, such as those recently announced for both the Buchanan Galleries and St Enoch Centre.

Five priority objectives will require to be achieved to deliver the Vision for the Golden Z:

— Diversification of uses,

— Densification and retrofit of land and buildings,

— Creation of world-class public spaces,

— Improving connectivity and accessibility, and

— Ensuring inclusivity and appeal to a more diverse range of users

The Golden Z Vision document, along with more information, can be found at:

Councillor Angus Millar, convener for city centre recovery at Glasgow City Council, said: “Sauchiehall, Argyle and Buchanan Streets have long been at the heart of the city centre experience, but these key thoroughfares have been increasingly impacted by the major structural economic changes that are affecting city centres everywhere.

“Having a particular focus on this historic shopping area will help ensure it adapts to the changing retail sector and takes the opportunities coming its way. The actions within the plan for the ‘Golden Z’ will support our efforts to encourage a more diverse mix of uses in the city centre, including new residential accommodation, as well as finding positive solutions for key sites and supporting the repurposing of vacant property.

“The continued rollout of the Avenues programme and a new city centre greening strategy will help improve the area’s look and feel, while we also want to capitalise on its fantastic cultural and creative assets as part of the regeneration of Sauchiehall Street.

“We look forward to working with partners in pursuing this vision, with this work being an important part of our wider Glasgow City Centre Strategy which will be published and consulted upon in the coming weeks.”

Glasgow Chamber of Commerce chief executive, Stuart Patrick, said: “We especially welcome the recommendation for a powerful cultural district based on and around Sauchiehall Street and the continuing importance of retail to both Buchanan Street and Argyle Street.

“Now our focus turns to the next steps in delivering the vision the report sets out. That includes attracting the required funding from private and public partners, and seizing the opportunity that lies in front of us to create an expert team that will help to deliver the report’s recommendations.”

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