
HISTORIC Features From Old Haghill School Included In Development Proposals

26 January, 2024 | Residential, Listed / Historic Buildings, Schools

PART of the facade from an old Glasgow East End school will be resurrected under plans for flats and townhouses.

A three-storey central portion of the original elevation of the former B-listed Haghill Primary will be rebuilt under plans for the Marwick Street site.

Milnbank Housing Association is applying for permission to build 43 flats and four townhouses. The janitor’s house will also be restored.

A design statement included with application documents explains that the rebuilt facade will form the centre point of the development, marking the main atrium/close that will serve the majority of flats.

It continues: “The section is lasting legacy to the ‘full height’ of the former school building, with feature lighting fitted to highlight key stone features and present an attractive street landmark during the hours of darkness.”

| Photos of the school being demolished in January 2022

Meanwhile a full-length single storey section of wall will be fully rebuilt along Walter Street, screening communal facilities and backcourts.

Other original features salvaged or retained at the time of demolition that will be used include:

— Ornately carved entrance arches rebuilt as principal access points to the communal areas

— Gate pillars to identify entrances to the three new closes.

— Carved stonework ‘Boys’ and ‘Girls’ playground signs set within gables

— Large sections of the original boundary wall and railings retained and refurbished.

Thirty off-street residents’ car parking spaces will be provided plus 17 formalised on-street visitors’ parking bays.

The application is pending consideration by Glasgow planners.

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