A £600,000 contract has been awarded for the 2.2-kilometre extension to the South West City Way bike route.
Construction of the segregated cycle infrastructure along St Andrews Drive — from Shields Road to Pollok Country Park — is due to start in mid-January 2022 with completion estimated for June 2022.
There will also be measures to make pedestrian and cyclist travel safer at three road junctions.
The work includes:
— Bi-directional, segregated cycle infrastructure along St Andrews Drive from Shields Road to Dumbreck Road.
— Junction improvements where St Andrews Drive intersects with Shields Road and Nithsdale Road.
— Significant upgrading of the Dumbreck Road / Titwood Road / Haggs Road junction to include pedestrian facilities, refuge islands, surfacing, kerb realignment and traffic signals.
— Soft landscaping works at entrances to Maxwell Park and Pollok Country Park.