
VIEWS Sought Over Cowcaddens Active Travel Makeover

5 November, 2022 | Active Travel, Public Realm

Cowcaddens Road at Buchanan Bus Station

CONSULTATION has started over plans to make two city centre streets more people-friendly.

The designs for Cowcaddens Road and Dobbie’s Loan are part of the Avenues-Plus project which aims to make a number of routes more attractive for walking, cycling and other forms of ‘wheeling’.

Dobbie’s Loan

Cycleways would be introduced on Cowcaddens Road, between North Hanover Street and Cambridge Street, and on Dobbie’s Loan, between North Hanover Street and Milton Street.

Dobbie’s Loan
Option for Cowcaddens Road at Port Dundas Road

Also being considered is northbound closure of the Cowcaddens Road/Port Dundas Road junction to traffic, apart from emergency vehicles, and creating a pocket park.

Click for consultation website

Cowcaddens Road

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