A CHARITY is proposing to use space at a landmark A-listed building as its new, larger base in Glasgow.
Terrence Higgins Trust wants to relocate from premises in West Regent Street to ground and first floor accommodation at 105 Bell Street.
It has applied for permission to change the use from offices to a service centre.
A document submitted to planners explains: “The proposals represent a significant investment by Terrence Higgins Trust who are the UK’s leading HIV and sexual health charity and who wish to expand their Glasgow operation.
“The proposed centre will be largely focused on visiting members of the public.
“It will allow THT to signficantly improve upon their existing city centre operations, offering a much broader range of services and supporting THT’s work and projects in the community providing a range of services, offering sexual health information and advice, and support services for people living with HIV.”
It will have staff offices, counselling and clinical rooms, complementary therapy space, and training and event accommodation.