
SECOND Design Accolade For North Glasgow Health Facility

15 December, 2020 | News

A NEW state-of-the-art health and care centre in the heart of north Glasgow has been awarded the Glasgow Institute of Architects’ Design Award for Healthcare.

Woodside Health and Care Centre impressed panelists with how the design worked within a dense urban site but delivered a light and spacious environment for patients and staff. The centre was also recognised in the Scottish Design Awards recently.

The £20million facility opened in 2019 and was delivered as a partnership with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership, Glasgow City Council and development partner Hub West Scotland and their main contractor, Morgan Sindall.

It has also benefited from expertise and funding provided by the Green Exercise Partnership, as well as being part of wider partnership work led by Scottish Canals aimed at enhancing the surrounding natural environment and promoting healthier lifestyles.

The centre — a triangular block bounded by Garscube Road, Hinshaw Street and Doncaster Street — brings together a range of primary and community care services that were located across various sites to offer more integrated and efficient provision for the area.

There are eight GP practices, children’s services, district nursing, health visiting, alcohol and drug recovery services, a day centre for older people, a dental practice, and physiotherapy, podiatry and sexual health services.

John Donnelly, senior general manager, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, commented: “The new Woodside Health and Care Centre has been delivering services to the local community
from this fantastic new facility since it opened last year.

“I’m delighted to see the design quality recognised in the Glasgow Institute of Architects design award, and at the Scottish Design Awards earlier in the year.”

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