PLANNERS are being asked to agree that the ground floor of former bank premises in Govan can be used as a restaurant.
Sava Estates has made a change-of-use application for 705 Govan Road.
A design statement submitted with the application explains: “When constructed, this building would have been a major feature on Govan Road and would have been designed as a corner feature linking what then would have been tenemental properties on both Govan Road and Broomloan Road.
“It is the only remaining building of that period and now links to modern residential flatted accommodation on both gables.
“Now vacant, it was originally occupied by the Glasgow Savings Bank and most recently by a branch of the TSB.”
The statement continues: “Given the raised cill levels and the large windows, the restaurant will have a particularly attractive ambience and offer a quality dining experience. At the left within the main restaurant will be a servery/bar.”
It concludes: “Given that there are few other significant uses on this part of Govan Road, this new restaurant in this feature building will contribute very positively to the character of the area and become a local icon.
No details of a potential operator are given in planning documents. Anticipated opening hours are Sunday to Thursday, 10am to 11pm and Friday and Saturday, 10am to midnight.
The proposal is pending assessment by Glasgow City planners.