
RESTAURANT Plan For Empty Partick Bookmakers Is Safe Bet With Planners

23 August, 2019 | News, Food and Drink

CITY planners have agreed that a vacant betting shop on a busy west Glasgow street can become a restaurant.

They approved an application by Sava Estates seeking to turn premises on the corner of Dumbarton Road and Hayburn Street, Partick into an eatery with hot food takeaway.

The property has been vacant for some time and was previously occupied by a branch of Ladbrokes bookmakers.

A statement submitted with the application by Bennett Developments and Consulting had argued: “The proposed development will animate this corner by introducing a quality restaurant which will wrap around both elevations.

“This will add to the range of other facilities in the area and contribute to the streetscape, particularly in the evenings and winter months when the splay of light from the full size windows will illuminate the footpath and, in the process engender, a feeling of safety and security which will contribute greatly to the overall feeling of well-being.

“The fact that it will operate throughout a wide spectrum of the day will mean that there will be activity and an energy at this locus which will contribute to the sense of place so important in fostering community spirit.”

Application documents do not give any details about what kind of restaurant it would be.

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