
REFUSAL For Residential Development At Gallowgate Commercial Plot

4 November, 2020 | Residential

CITY planners have rejected an application for flats at a Calton site currently occupied by a shop, a takeaway, a pub and an old engineering workshop.

Permission was sought for 42 flats and two shops on land surrounded by the Graham Square apartment buildings on the Gallowgate.

Officials have refused the proposal although a decision notice giving their reasons has yet to be posted on the city council’s planning portal.

The building was to have replaced several shop units, the Wee Mans Bar and the former workshop of butcher equipment suppliers MacNaughton & Watson.

There were to be 28 one-bedroom flats and 14 two-bedroom flats around a central courtyard. Twelve undercroft car parking spaces were propsoed.

A document submitted with the application stated: “The design of the block was envisaged as a contemporary interpretation of the traditional four-story Glasgow tenement.”

A view of the site from the rear

A previous application seeking to turn the workshop part of the site, which is accessed via a pend, into a 17-bedroom hotel and guest house was refused several years ago.

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