CITY planners have rejected an application for a commercial development in Glasgow’s East End.
The retail, food/drink and warehouse was proposed for a site at 1640 London Road, near Parkhead.
There is a currently a warehouse building with a two-storey office facing London Road.
Under the plan, the office was to be refurbished and extended to form two shops and a restaurant/bistro/takeaway.
On the eastern side of the side, two warehouse units and a retail warehouse were be built.
The application was refused by officials who said the proposed retail units and restaurant would have a “detrimental impact on the character of the economic development area”, and its continuation as an industrial and business location and would not provide facilities aimed primarily at meeting the needs of businesses and employees within the economic development area.
They also said that, because the development was separated from the residential area by a four-lane A-class road, it breached planning policy which requires new local shopping facilities to serve the daily needs of residents.