
PROGRESS On Tackling Of Vacant And Derelict Land

2 December, 2021 | News

EFFORTS to cut the amount of vacant and derelict land in Glasgow continued last year but were hit by the pandemic, councillor have been told.

The total level in 2020 stood at 939 hectares, a reduction of 15 hectares (1.6 per cent) on the 2019 figure.

This continues the downward trend of recent annual surveys, though the decrease is lower than average in recent years as a result of covid-19 disruption.

The VDLF is a ring-fenced budget allocated to five local authorities, including Glasgow, for the purpose of bringing vacant land into beneficial use in accordance with Council and Scottish Government objectives.

Glasgow received a 2021/22 allocation from Scottish Government of £2.3million. A delivery plan featuring 11 projects was submitted to — and is awaiting formal approval from — the Scottish Government, and a grant offer letter is expected shortly.

In December 2020, the Scottish Government and the Scottish Land Commission jointly announced the £50million (over five years) Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme (VDLIP) — open to local authorities to apply under a competitive bid system.

In May 2021, Glasgow City Council submitted eight bids to the 2021/22 round of VDLIP and the council has received grant awards for two successful projects.

The Belle Gro’ at the Meat Market in Calton will received £450,000. The project will help develop sustainable food growing as part of the Meat Market masterplan, in partnership with Milnbank Housing Association;

Meanwhile, Transforming Avenue End Road Greenspace will get £417,000 to improve a significant open space in Greater Easterhouse, in conjunction with Seven Lochs Wetland Park.

Councillor Kenny McLean, city convener for neighbourhoods, housing and public realm at Glasgow City Council, said: “It is good to see progress continuing to be made in bringing vacant and derelict land in Glasgow back to productive use, with new homes, work, green and public places delivering a range of benefits across the city.

“The funding for these two new projects will make a real difference for the local community at the Easterhouse and Meat Market sites.”

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