CITY planners are recommending approval be given for a residential building at the Battlefield Rest junction in Langside.
Sanctuary Housing want to build 36 affordable-rent flats for over-55s on the former Queen’s Park School at the junction of Grange Road, Prospecthill Road and Battlefield Road, across from the former Victoria Infirmary, itself subject of a major redevelopment.
Councillors on Glasgow’s planning applications committee are due to consider the proposal next week. Officials are urging that it be given the go-ahead saying it complies with city policies.
Their report states: “The proposal has been amended following a public consultation exercise and the main elevations are proposed to be a white facing brick, not render. The Grange Road frontage has been articulated as a long slender block, which will face former Victoria Infirmary redevelopment, creating a consistent rhythm of window openings and discrete external spaces.”
The report continues: “Other material considerations including the consultation responses and letters of objection have been considered, however these do not outweigh the proposal’s accordance with the Development Plan.”
Twelve objections were received, from Langside, Battlefield and Camphill Community Council, Mount Florida Community Council and members of public, raising concerns about privacy, loss of light, parking, road safety, density, scale and massing, design, and the effect on listed buildings and conservation area.
A design statement including with the application explains: “The massing of the building picks up on the form of the Battlefield Rest (albeit on a larger scale), and also follows some of the form cues of ‘The Victoria’ opposite.
“The roof line brings character to the development and the balconies, both projecting and cut into the building, create form and depth to the elevations.”
The statement continues: “The Prospecthill Road site has the potential to complete a complex and more thoughtful redevelopment of an important and historic area of Glasgow’s Southside.
“Any new building should be confident in its identity whilst complementing and respecting the existing and proposed context.
“It should also be careful to recognise its complex context incluidng two-storey housing, retail, new development and a new hospital.”