CITY officials have rejected a plan to turn a convenience store in Glasgow’s West End into a cafe.
An eatery was proposed for Rajou’s Newsagent on the ground floor of a C-listed tenement at 22 Gibson Street.
Drawings showed space for 40 diners at basement level, 25 at ground level and 24 in a rear mezzanine.
Planning officer refused the application for various reasons.
Their report states: “The proposal would result in loss of a Class 1 shop which is not vacant and has not been appropriately marketed for a minimum of 12 months, and would result in less than 50 per cent of all units being in Class 1 use.
“Due to lack of a high-level flue to disperse cooking odours above residential flats in close proximity and to the lack of on-site waste and recycling storage facilities, it is considered that the development would have a detrimental effect on the amenity of neighbours.”
They also said that the conversion of a window to a door to provide access to the back court would allow noise and commercial activity into an exclusively residential area, detracting from amenity.
And the report concluded that the application contained insufficient information about changes proposed to the rear of the listed building and the installation of a canopy to the shopfront meaning it was not possible to gauge the impact on the visual amenity of the surrounding Glasgow West Conservation Area.