GLASGOW Housing Association has applied to build 22 homes on a vacant site in Carnwadric.
The land bounded by Carnwadric Road and Hopeman Road, Glasgow once had a community hall and a car park on it and is on the Glasgow/East Renfrewshire boundary.
The proposal is for a mix of flats, townhouses and terraced houses accessed via a new shared space road off Carnwadric Road.
There would be a central linear park with soft landscaping providing community amenity and play space.
Accommodation would comprise two one-bedroom, wheelchair-accessible flats and seven two-bedroom flats in a three-storey corner block, two four-bedroom townhouses and 11 terraced houses — eight with two bedrooms and three with three bedrooms.
The application, which replaces one submitted for 20 homes last year, is pending assessment by Glasgow planners.