
OLD Student Building At Jordanhill Can Be Knocked Down And Replaced With Townhouses

20 August, 2021 | News, Listed / Historic Buildings

Douglas House

CALA Homes has been given permission to demolish one of the buildings at the former Jordanhill campus instead of converting it.

Councillors on Glasgow’s planning applications committee agreed that Douglas House can be knocked down, with 35 three-bedroom townhouses now proposed for that section of the massive site. The three-storey properties will be split into four terraces.

Seventeen objections were received, 15 from residents and others from the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland and Jordanhill Community Council.

The previously-approved plan was for the building to be converted into 20 flats with 17 townhouses constructed on land next to it.

A document submitted with the application explained: “[The new proposals] have been developed because the restoration of the existing Douglas House building has proven to be unviable due to the extremely poor condition of the building fabric which has become evident through opening up investigations.

“Although the proposals constitute a separate planning application, they will form an integral part of the previously consented development and will maintain the high quality landscape and place-making principles upon which the original masterplan was based.

“The demolition of Douglas House allows for a much more generous and cohesive shared landscape approach in the design of this south west corner. A new masterplan quarter is created with its own individual character and identity.”

“As the least historically significant of the retained buildings on site at Jordanhill, the loss of Douglas House would bear the lowest impact on the overall heritage value and quality of place.”

Douglas House, foreground, and Graham House

Douglas House, completed in 1934, was built as additional student accommodation to supplement Graham House (completed 1917).

Instead of being constructed from red sandstone, in keeping with the nearby Category B Listed David Stow building and Graham House, Douglas House is a red clay brick building “with little decorative facade adornment”.

The David Stow building and Graham House are being kept as part of the residential redevelopment of the former teacher training college.

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