
IN Pictures — The ‘New Normal’ For The Roads Around George Square

1 July, 2020 | Public Realm

PEDESTRIAN-friendly measures have been introduced at George Square and surrounding streets.

Some of the changes at the square were scheduled to place anyway but others, on roads off the square, have been implemented because of the need for physical distancing during the coronavirus pandemic.

Traffic has been banned from the east and west sides of the square and there has been a complete removal of parking.

A bus, taxi and cycle gate will be introduced on George Square (south) and South Frederick Street (northbound), and there will be a bus, taxi and cycle lane on Cochrane Street.

St Vincent Street

A number of surrounding streets have had parking removed to create more space for pedestrians.

North Hanover Street
Queen Street

Glasgow City Council say that the next locations to get widened footways are Union Street, Hope Street and Bath Street, with work starting tomorrow (Thursday 2 July)

| More details about the physical distance plans for Glasgow

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