
HUGE Distribution And Storage Building Agreed For M8 Site

14 January, 2020 | News, Industrial/Commercial

PLANNERS have given the go-ahead for a massive distribution facility on the eastern side of Glasgow.

Hermiston Securities have been given permission to develop the facility on 6.4 hectares to the north of Springhill Parkway at Glasgow Business Park, just south of the M8 motorway between Ballieston and Easterhouse.

An operator is already lined up for the site although documents lodged as part of the planning application do not reveal who it is.

The facility will have delivery and dispatch areas, van storage bays plus office, catering and welfare accommodation for staff.

Goods would arrive by lorry, be sorted inside the building and transferred to delivery vans.

A statement submitted with the application explains: “The building and external areas will be designed and constructed to a high standard and will satisfy a definite requirement for an operator — this is not a speculative venture.

“We believe this is a proposal which is appropriate and delivers a significant investment which will help kick-start the development of the remainder of Glasgow Business Park.”

Last year permission was given for a large package handling facility for DHL at Clyde Gateway East, off London Road, near the M74 motorway in Glasgow.

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