
HOMES Plan For Remaining Parcel Of Land At Darnley Mains

27 June, 2022 | News

PERSIMMON Homes have applied for permission to build more houses at Darnley Mains.

The proposals are for 22 properties on vacant ground at Leggatston Road.

There would be a range of three-bedroom terraced, semi-detached and detached homes .

A statement submitted to planners states: “This site, combined with the parcel of vacant land to the immediate north, have been marketed for industrial/commercial, and most recently retail development.

“The only viable interest has been for a neighbourhood retail development over part of the site. A planning application proposing retail development directly to the north of the site has now been submitted to Glasgow City Council by others.

“This is anticipated to satisfy the retail requirement for the area therefore residential development remains the most logical and viable land use for this residual remaining parcel, whilst offering the opportunity to create a welcoming site entrance to the wider housing development currently under construction.”

The application is pending assessment by officials.

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