CONSULTATION is underway for a project aiming to make it safer and easier for people to walk, cycle and wheel in north east Glasgow.
St Paul’s Youth Forum has applied for funding from the Places for Everyone programme run by active travel organisation Sustrans and has made it to stage two of the process.

The Flourishing Molendinar scheme would include improving pavements, creating segregated cycleways and adding planters to streets.
Initial proposals involve the area around Cumbernauld Road at Junction 12 of the M8, Provanmill Road and Royston Road at their junctions with Langdale Street, and Langdale Street itself.
However the forum states: “The aim is to extend the project all the way into the city centre, where it would connect to other projects such as the Avenues.”

Organisers want to hear from people who live in the area or visit it for other reasons.
Click here to take part in the survey which is live until 6 August and includes a prize draw.
Flourishing Molendinar website