NEIGHBOURHOODS across Glasgow enjoyed traffic-free fun as the city’s biggest-ever Street Play weekend took place.
Twenty-four communities took part in the initiative, up from six in 2017, following a successful campaign — led by Councillor Anna Richardson, City Convener for Sustainability and Carbon Reduction — to encourage more take up the offer of free road closures.
Councillor Richardson, back row, third from left, at the Waverley Park Street Play event.
Councillor Richardson visited a number of the areas taking part, including Braeside Street, Stanmore Road, Regent Park Square, Skirving Street, Carment Drive, Bellwood Street, Waverley Park and Millbrae Crescent, and said it was inspiring to see how people had responded.
She said: “In the many conversations I had with people attending, I heard of neighbours who were only meeting today after years of living on the same street, of kids learning to ride a bike for the first time, businesses doing a roaring trade with all the extra footfall, ideas being hatched by community groups for even bigger, bolder events in the future, and of residents just grateful to have some respite from passing through traffic on this glorious day.”
“There was a fantastic mix of large community events and local gatherings put on by small groups of residents.”
Street Play is a national initiative run by Play Scotland and is normally held on the weekend closest to Mid-Summer’s Day to provide the maximum amount of daylight for play outdoors.
Skirving Street
Glasgow City Council organised free-of-charge road closures for all the local groups and community-based organisations which successfully applied to participate.
There was a broad range of activities from bouncy castles to dance displays and street sports, plus traditional games such as skipping, marbles and hopscotch.
Councillor Richardson said: “I am absolutely delighted that this year so many more local groups and organisations took advantage of this great scheme. Street Play is chance to put the traffic at bay for a day and get outside and play.
“It lets communities come together and enjoy themselves, knowing that is safe for children to play in the street. But it’s also a chance for children to reclaim the streets for themselves and use their imagination to use spaces that are normally out of bounds to them.
Councillor Richardson, second from right, at the Stanmore Road Street Play event.
“Street Play is all about freeing up space so that people can socialise and enjoy themselves. It’s great that the council is supporting this scheme, helping to create special occasions for local communities.”
Skirving Street