
GEORGE Square Set To Be Blocked Off For 18 Months During Revamp

29 May, 2024 | Active Travel, Public Realm

GLASGOW’S iconic civic space George Square will be fenced off for around a year and a half while it undergoes a major makeover.

City officials are reporting to councillors that the project to revamp the square will start in January 2025, with hoardings going up and a site compound being created as soon as the 2024 Christmas decorations come down.

The main public realm work in the square is expected to start in April 2025 and last until August 2026 although there will be disruption on surrounding streets until April 2027 as people-friendly Avenues are created on John Street, North Hanover Street, George Street (between Nelson Mandela Place and Montrose Street) Cochrane Street, St Vincent Place and Hanover Street, and Miller Street.

Hoardings blocking off George Square will display graphics showing the progress of key current and future projects, images and interpretation on the square’s statues, and have viewing areas to enable public visibility of the construction activity.

From January 2025 to March 2025, 11 bronze statues will be removed and transported to a storage facility. Work to conserve and restore the statues will continue till summer 2027 when they will be reinstalled.

Officials state: “The final technical design proposal continues to respond to the original design statements of creating a greener, sustainable, and accessible high quality public space for the people of Glasgow and its visitors.”

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