COUNCILLORS have agreed that former school land in Anniesland can be developed for residential use.
Fairbright Homes Ltd has been given planning permission in principle for the red blaes site at Fulton Street.
The land is currently outdoor space associated with the former Temple Primary School next door which is now a nursery. The site has been fenced off since 2007.
Planners had recommended that the application be approved. Their report stated: ” The council’s sports pitch strategy, which is nearing completion, highlights the need to release some inactive blaes pitches, such as the application site, for development to secure compensation for the upgrading of existing pitches elsewhere in order to maintain overall playing capacity in the area.
“As part of this process, in identifying which blaes pitches are best suited for release, the ones least likely to have value as other types of open space will be prioritised.
“In this instance, there has been no community expression of interest in the site as open space, there is no shortfall against Open Space Strategy (OSS) accessibility or quantity standards and consultation responses have advised that biodiversity enhancement could best be delivered and properly managed through new development.”
Detailed proposals and designs will still need to be submitted for approval.