
FORMER Bowling Green To Become Wellbeing Hub Featuring Cafe, Food Growing And Green Energy

14 July, 2018 | News

A FORMER Glasgow Southside bowling green can be used as a multi-use community and training facility with garden, planners have agreed.

The application by the Pollokshields Trust involves the old Kingston Bowling Green between McCulloch Street and Maxwell Road.

It will be the base for the Mark Makers initiative and will include community-oriented leisure, training and associated facilities within a temporary structure and associated community gardening provision

Glasgow City planners approved the development. Their report states: “The proposal would deliver a high-quality open space that fulfils an identified need in the area.

“The proposal is a redesign of the bowling green area with multiple structures on site including a canopy and shipping containers functioning as a café and bike repair store.  There will be multiple growing sites and energy generation facilities within the proposal site.”

There will also be public seating, a meeting space and an array of stalls which can be used for various temporary facilities by project partners.

Proposed activities include joint projects with partners South Seeds, Soul Riders, Urban Roots, New Victoria Gardens, Govanhill Baths, Glasgow City Heritage Trust, Pollokshields Heritage, Local Energy Scotland, Scottish Power, Scottish Gas Networks and Home Energy Scotland.

Half of a bowling green will be turned into an energy common to help educate and train the community, including school children from the adjacent Glendale Campus, in various sustainable energy generation approaches including wind and water-based micro-renewables, rotational solar device, and a fixed solar array, all controlled from a monitoring shed.

The trust, which already has 18-months’ funding of £250,000 from the Aspiring Communities Fund, is also looking to repairing and use the derelict club house.

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