A SECOND attempt to get approval for flats beside the ferry slipway at Yoker has succeeded.
Glasgow City councillors approved an application by Carmichael Homes (Scotland) Ltd seeking planning permission in principle for a block of apartments on vacant land at Yoker Ferry Road.

Thirty-six flats are proposed in a building that steps down from seven storeys to five storeys towards the Clyde. Undercroft parking would be provided.
Sixty-two objections were received and the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency also objected on flooding grounds.
Councillors granted permission but imposed a number of conditions including a requirement to satisfy various flood risk criteria. Further detailed consent will also still be needed.
A previous application for 40 apartments in a six-storey block was refused in May 2019.
Planners stated at the time that the proposal was “an inappropriate response to surrounding site context” and would “not contribute to minimising and reducing flood risk”.