FORMER toilets in Cathedral Square, Glasgow can turned into a restaurant, city planners have agreed.
Permission has been given for the disused public convenience to be converted into a 25-seat licensed restaurant and cafe, open from 7am to 7pm. There would also be a 25-seat outdoor terrace giving a view to the Glasgow Cathedral and the Necropolis.
Documents submitted with the application stated: “The applicants believe that this building, due to its unique origins, impressive architectural and townscape context and its proximity to one of Glasgow’s major tourist attractions would be a highly-successful destination business.
“The target market of the business would be tourists visiting the cathedral, workers and visitors from the adjacent Royal Infirmary as well as Strathclyde University staff and students.
“The food offering would be a high quality, contemporary Scottish cuisine showcasing many local suppliers from within the city.
“The business is working with local coffee roasters, bakers, craft drink distillers, chefs and fishmongers to develop a business model that will be specifically Glasgow in focus and feel, showcasing the best that the city has to offer, all within a unique and engaging space in one of the most iconic areas of the city.
“The existing building is currently in a dilapidated state and the park itself is suffering from a lack of use. There are very limited food and drink offers in this part of Glasgow and what is available is not of the highest quality.
“For the sheer number of visitors to this small area of Glasgow there is very little in the way of quality infrastructure that other European tourist destinations routinely have. We would hope that the redeveloped Cathedral Square toilets will be a busy, vibrant and high-quality business showcasing the best of Glasgow to an international audience.”
The documents continue: “The toilets sit within a mature landscaped urban park and has, since its closure faded from public consciousness.
“The setting of Cathedral Square is dominated by the St Mungo’s Museum and behind it, Glasgow Cathedral. The Square also features historical statures and an abundance of mature trees.
“Although this is a public open space immediately adjacent to one of Scotland’s premier tourist attractions there is little reason to stop here and the park is very seldom used.
“It is hoped that the very high passing footfall will easily sustain the business as well as becoming a go-to destination for people working and living in the locale.
“With the ongoing regeneration of this area of the city it is hoped that this proposed destination business is a major draw to the area, helping to further aims of bringing more commercial activity and development to the east of the city centre.”
Glasgow City Council officials approved the application.