
DEVELOPER Can Get Ball Rolling On Snooker Hall Conversion

14 August, 2023 | Listed / Historic Buildings

VACANT B-listed snooker hall premises in Dennistoun can be turned into flats, city planners have agreed.

The late 19th century building in Craigpark — previously Dennistoun Baths — will be turned into five apartments under the plan.

A further six flats will be provided in a new three-storey extension at the rear of the building.

Front and rear proposed elevations

A design statement submitted with the application explained: “The proposed development will retain the existing sandstone building to the main frontage of Craigpark, however demolition is proposed for the rear brick hall and replacement with a smaller extension which is suited to residential use.

“The extension will be sympathetic to the existing building, sitting lower than the main frontage roof line and will not be visible from Craigpark.

“The smaller development footprint provides the benefit of on-site amenity space to the rear, whilst maintaining use of the two existing pedestrian accesses.

“As the extension is smaller than the previous brick hall, the daylight and overshadowing of neighbouring properties will be improved.”

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