
DESIGNS Drawn Up For Revitalising Briggait Space

4 October, 2022 | Listed / Historic Buildings

PLANS for breathing new life into rundown sections of an A-listed historic city centre building have been revealed.

Proposals for refurbishment and extension of the Clydeside Halls at The Briggait on Clyde Street have been submitted for planning approval.

A design document with the application states: “The project will create a vibrant and engaging frontage to the River Clyde and provide the basis for a flexible, sustainable creative hub to complement and grow the cultural community that has been resident in the developed parts of the Briggait complex since 2010.

“The Briggait is an important building in Glasgow’s rich built heritage and this project seeks to knit two disparate halves of the complex back together.”

Uses of the accommodation are expected to be a combination of:

• Market, from food and drink, craft to mixed markets

• Events, including design, theatre and performance

• Permanent food and drink offers fronting Clyde Street

The corner space at Clyde Street/Merchant Lane would be a standalone shell unit with possible uses including office or microbrewery.

The statement continues: “When viewed from Bridgegate, the Briggait is home to a vibrant creative community, with around 150 people based in the building, producing art, architecture, digital design and leading cultural organisations.

“Converted in 2010 and managed by Wasps, an established arts charity, it is a successful and sustainable operation, with the 1873 hall regularly used for events, markets and exhibitions.

“However, to date, the Briggait is only partly rescued from dereliction and decline.

“From Clyde street, the Briggait is viewed as an unloved building with a semi-derelict air, giving no sense to passers-by of the wonderful soaring roof, bright and airy spaces and important history the Briggait has woven in Scotland’s heritage.”

It adds: “The project seeks to bring the remainder of the market hall complex back into use, celebrate its past while looking to the future for its end use, the provision of flexible, serviced space to support the creative industry and cultural economy sectors in Scotland with a unique offer.”

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