A VITAL road, cycle and pedestrian bridge over railway lines on Glasgow’s South Side needs to be replaced at an estimated cost of £6million.
Shields Road Bridge goes over the tracks on the route between Scotland Street and St Andrew’s Drive.
Glasgow City officials have updated councillors regarding the situation as the council may have to pay up to half the cost of the new structure.
The bridge was found to be weak some years ago and had to be strengthened and the road reduced to two lanes so that a traffic weight restriction could be lifted.
A report by city officials states: “The bridge has since been identified by Network Rail as requiring replacement. Failure to contribute to the costs of these works could result in closure of the bridge.
“The replacement cost is estimated to be approximately £6million. The cost share is yet to be finalised however, the council will be liable for a significant contribution. At present this sits at 50 per cent (circa £3million) of the cost of these works.”