
CREATIVE Solution To Empty Shops In Glasgow’s Historic Heart

1 July, 2019 | News

ELEVEN shop units in Glasgow’s historic High Street, St Andrews Street and Saltmarket areas are being turned into temporary creative and enterprise spaces.

The Meanwhile Space project aims to enhance the vitality of the neighbourhoods by increasing footfall and supporting new and growing businesses. The first of these, the New Glasgow Society, an art gallery, moved in last month, with all of the other units to be occupied shortly.

The initiative, one of 26 being delivered as part of Glasgow City Council’s High Street Area Strategy (HSAS) and is being delivered by City Property Glasgow (Investments).

The shop units have undergone extensive renovation work and each space has a programme of events lined up over the next year which include exhibitions and workshops open to the public.

The initiative, which has already seen success in London and Paris, ties in with the High Street strategy’s aims to revitalise the area by helping to develop creative organisations, creating jobs and supporting inclusive economic growth.

It is also hoped that, by making the units available to the creative community, the initiative will complement the vision outlined in the strategy of supporting a thriving local community, with a visitor offer focused on the unique heritage assets of the area and the independent businesses within the historic corridor.

There will be an evaluation of the project by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, which will consider the roll-out of similar models to other parts if Glasgow.

Launching the project in WASPS, a non-profit studio provider for creative tenants, in St Andrew’s Street were Councillor Susan Aitken, leader of Glasgow City Council, and Councillor Angus Millar, chair of the High Street Reference Group, who were joined by Audrey Carlin, chief executive Officer of WASPS.

Councillor Aitken said: “The High Street and Saltmarket area is the historic heart of our great city. With its rich heritage, resonance with Glaswegians and proximity to the city centre, it has so much potential — but has been neglected for far too long.

“Meanwhile Space is a fantastic opportunity to not simply breathe new life into the area but to help nurture one of Glasgow’s key sectors, the creative industries. The flourishing galleries and creative spaces in adjoining streets show what can be achieved. Glasgow Chamber of Commerce will evaluate this project, highlight the best practices which may emerge to wider city centre property owners and then encourage the roll out of the approach to other areas in the city.”

Councillor Millar  said: “The Meanwhile Space programme is a key part of what we are doing to revitalise the High Street and Saltmarket area, providing space for new and growing businesses to develop in this historic Glasgow quarter. Given the great heritage of this area, it’s right that many of the spaces in this project are being used by organisations from the creative industries, and I am sure they will make the High Street and Saltmarket an even more attractive place to work, live and visit.”

Audrey Carlin said: “WASPS is delighted to be taking on five units as part of the Meanwhile Space project. This initiative offers something that doesn’t already exist in the city – a transition space in which we can support creative people to move from an artist studio into a more public facing shopfront, ultimately allowing them to develop a sustainable business and contribute to Glasgow’s economy long term. These creative people will also benefit from being part of WASPS’ studio network across Scotland, made up of 900 creative people in 19 locations, and the opportunities that this brings with it for creative career development.”


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