PLANS for a new residential-led mixed-use development near Lancefield Quay in Glasgow have been announced.
Property investment and development company TT Group is bringing forward proposals for a high-rise complex that will deliver new homes at 145 Elliot Street near Lancefield Quay.
The site is currently home to a vacant data centre building, and the plans are designed to complement the ongoing wider regeneration of the wider River Clyde waterfront area.
A range of accommodation types could be delivered including build-to-rent, private sale, co-living and student accommodation.
Flexible commercial units are also proposed to serve the new and growing community, as well as landscaping and car parking for residents.
Permission is already in place for a massive residential development on a neighbouring vacant site fronting Lancefield Quay, Elliot Street and Lancefield Street.

A proposal of application notice (PAN) has been submitted to Glasgow City Council in relation to 145 Elliot Street, kickstarting the 12-week minimum pre-application statutory consultation period.
The first of two consultation events will take place on Thursday 16 May from 3 to 7pm at The Pyramid at Anderston, 759 Argyle Street, Glasgow G3 8DS.
Sam Rosenkranz from TT Group, said: “We are delighted to bring forward our plans, that will create new accommodation for hundreds of residents in the city.
“Lancefield Quay is an area undergoing significant transformative change and we hope that these plans will complement the ongoing regeneration, promoting activity and connection with this stretch of the River Clyde corridor.
“Anyone with an interest in the proposals can attend our in-person events on 16 May and 13 June, where our project team will be on hand to discuss the proposals with the local community and to answer any questions they may have.”
Both events are being held between 3 and 7pm at The Pyramid at Anderston, 759 Argyle St, Glasgow, G3 8DS.
Full details of the proposals will be available to view on the project website — www.elliotstreet.consultationonline.co.uk — from 16 May.