
CHANGES Being Brought In On Kelvin Way To Allow Museum Traffic

14 September, 2020 | Active Travel

GLASGOW City Council is revising the road layout on part of West End route Kelvin Way.

The road has been fully closed to vehicle traffic since the height of the lockdown as part of the Spaces for People programme to enable safer physical distancing for those exercising in and around Kelvingrove Park.

The council says it is keen to ensure the space continues to be enjoyed for active travel whilst enabling access for all into the recently re-opened Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum.

A stretch of the road, from the Sauchiehall Street end, will be re-opened one-way to museum tarffic. A bi-directional cycle lane will be create along that part of the route. Planters will also be installed.

Vehicles will be directed toward the museum car park entrance when turning off Sauchiehall Street, and won’t be able to progress any further along Kelvin Way. Exit from the museum car park will be via a separate route.

The remainder of Kelvin Way, between the museum car park entrance and University Avenue, will remain closed to traffic.

Councillor Anna Richardson, city convener for sustainability and carbon reduction, said: “These revisions proposed for Kelvin Way will provide a more sustainable long-term layout and ensure that those out walking, wheeling and cycling in this popular area continue to have the safer space to do so.

“As the Spaces for People programme develops further, we’ll be seeking to improve the appearance of temporary measures where possible, and I’m really looking forward to seeing the planters installed, further enhancing the popularity of this space.”

Work starts tomorrow (Tuesday) and is expected to take approximately two weeks, with vehicular access to the museum car park entrance expected to be available from Tuesday 29 September.

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