AN appeal has been lodged over Glasgow City Council’s refusal of planning permission for a flats development in the East End.
Planners rejected a proposal for 12 two-bedroom apartments in a three-storey block at the former social work base at Ruchazie Place, Cranhill.
The properties were proposed by SIM Building Group Ltd, with Thenue Housing Association backing the project.
A document included with appeal states: “It is our view that the proposed development is acceptable, and the proposed scale, design and massing…comply with policy criteria as set out in the adopted City Development Plan.”

The application was refused by Glasgow City officials for several reasons. A decision notice issued by the council stated: “The proposed design and architectural detailing, in particular, the proposed scale, massing, fenestration detail and materials are of poor quality and fail to provide a satisfactory response to the site itself and the wider context.
“The car parking area is excessive and visually over-dominant, to the detriment of the overall design and wider streetscape.
“The landscape design is ill-considered and lacking in extent. It fails to provide adequate, qualitative external amenity space to prospective residents.”
A letter of support submitted by Thenue stated that it had 338 applicants on its waiting list for two-bedroom homes in the area “all who need good quality, warm and safe housing.”
The housing association added: “The development of the site at Ruchazie Place would help us to reduce this waiting list and also allow us to allocate some properties to families who are homeless in Glasgow.”