
BID To Overturn Rejection Of 165 Flats And Houses At Thornliebank

17 December, 2019 | Residential

A DEVELOPER is appealing against Glasgow City Council’s refusal of permission for a development of 165 houses and flats at a former factory site in Thornliebank.

Glasgow’s planning applications committee rejected the proposal by Bellway Homes for the Toffolo Jackson land in Burnfield Road in September.

Planning officials had recommended that the application be approved but the committee voted 11:4 to refuse because of concern over increased traffic.

There had been no objection to the plan from roads officials. A report by planners stated that the existing traffic situation on Burnfield Road had been recorded as 355 vehicle movements in the morning rush-hour (8 to 9am) and 317 in the afternoon peak (5 to 6pm). This was expected to increase by 111 in the morning and 106 in the afternoon.

Officials stated: “These additional two traffic flows, if rounded up to the nearest car, represent an increase of two cars per minute along
Burnfield Road at peak times. This increase is not considered to be excessive and in terms of traffic flows the proposed development is deemed to be acceptable.”

The developer is trying to get the refusal overturned.  An appeal statement submitted to the council by consultants Iceni argues: “The planning history demonstrates that only two years ago, the council issued a ‘minded to grant’ decision for residential development [of 216 homes] at the site.

“This proposal was for 51 additional homes , over and above the number [now] proposed. The previous proposal also incorporated less parking onsite and similar access arrangements to the current proposal, with access to the flats taken from Thornliebank Road and two accesses to the rest of the Site off Burnfield Road.

“Six of the same councillors sat on both the 2017 and 2019 planning committees, considering proposals for the site.”

The statement continues: “The transport assessment demonstrates that the proposed development is not likely to lead to further congestion on Burnfield Road.  The conclusions have been agreed by the council’s transport planning department and are supported by the road safety assessment.

“The proposed development will result in improvements to the existing situation through the widening of Burnfield Road, the provision of approximately 180 per cent parking within the site for new residents and visitors, as well as the provision of cycle parking facilities.

“In addition, a new pedestrian and cycle footpath will be created through the proposed development providing a connection to Thornliebank Road for existing and new residents, as well as visitors.

“Furthermore, the planning history of the site demonstrates that the previous commercial use generated similar car trips to and from the site.

“There are no material considerations which warrant the refusal of the application.”

The proposed development is for 117 three and four-bedroom houses, in detached, semi-detached and terraced format, plus 48 two-bedroom flats. The flats would be in four-storey blocks fronting Thornliebank Road.

The site extends to the Glasgow to East Kilbride railway line and Auldhouse Burn.

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